Saturday, October 29, 2011

IP Spoofing.... make yourself safer

In this article i will discuss IP spoofing. IP stands for internet protocol and is basically a number assigned to your computer when it connects to the internet by your ISP ( Internet Service Provider). Your ISP is the company you get internet through whether it is with your cable or with your phone they are the ones who assign your IP address for internet use. Your IP address is basically an address for your computer similar to your mailing address for your home. The IP address can be used for many things in the modern world and I would give caution with using it. I would recommend using a proxy as much as possible regardless of your browsing habits as hackers and other people online like to grab your IP address and use it for attacking your computer, putting viruses on it and a myriad of other reasons.

Almost every single website you visit has a log and in that log is a record of the different IP addresses that visit the webpage. With this information they can know where you are located and if it is a law agency they can easily find out who you are and much more personal information about you. Many people have been contacted by their ISP as a warning for what they were downloading whether it be movies or music. Usually a law enforcement agency will contact your ISP and ask for records and logs of visited websites if they are suspicious of your internet activity. And then depending on whether they want to warn you of press federal charges they will have your ISP warn you or just show up at your door at the wee hours of night or morning.

So knowing that and how our IP address seriously affects our privacy and surgfing habits I would recommend spoofing it on a consistent level for personal privacy reasons. I do not condone or recommend using it for illegal purposes as you will pay the price eventually. So how do we go about spoofing our IP adress? There are a number of ways to do this so to start the most simple and easy way to do this is by using what is called a CGI proxy.

Basically how a proxy works is instead of asking for a website from our internet service we connect to another internet service and ask them for the information. Basically the request to visit would be redirected through the proxy server and we would receive the information through them and then instead of directly from our ISP. This is also known as bouncing your IP address. This is how a proxy works and proxy basically means to go through. A CGI proxy means COMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE proxy. It is basically an online website that offers a proxy in such a way that all you need to do is go to the CGI proxy website and type in the website you are trying to access spoofed. A lot of ISP's have blocks on certain websites and the same goes with school and work computers. With a CGI proxy you go to its page, enter the site that is blocked you want to visit and you will be taken their through their server unblocked.

Here are a list of CGI proxy websites: (if some don't work they sometimes are taken down for different reasons usually regarding legality issues, do a google search for there are lots and lots of them). Keep in mind that by using a proxy it will almost always slow down your internet speed since it is rerouting the request and it is usually rerouting it through an offshore server which takes time to relay the requested information and website. ( a list of more cgi proxies )

The second way to spoof your IP address and the way that I like, is to use a separate program for the task. Personally I would recommend using TOR for the job. It installs into windows and integrates itself into Firefox with a button at the bottom right hand corner of Firefox. All you have to do is install it and click that button and you are anonymous and using its proxy. Another good thing about TOR is that it is offshore located in germany and it is free to use and download. By it being offshore if they were required to give logs and records to a law enforcement agency it would ultimately make things harder for them and a lot of times different countries will not cooperate and if so the process drags on for some time. I would recommend JAP but there is a topic and debate on a backdoor they had years back in which they were giving record information out to law agencies.

The last way I would suggest using a proxy and a little more difficult way would be to set up a computer as a firewall and share its internet connection with your surfing machine. In essence you would set up a dummy computer to hook up to the internet and would run the internet through that machine into your personal use computer with an added ethernet card or by bridging the connections. I would not suggest this over a proxy unless you know what you are doing as it requires another computer and slightly slows the connection speed though not as much as the other described methods. To be sure the proxy is working go to and check your original IP address. Afterwards when you start the proxy or use the CGI proxy to go that website and it should show something quite different and then your IP address is spoofed. Happy surfing.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Domains and Server......

Q. How many domains can one server support? What is the maximum space that one website can occupy? What is a dedicated server?
A. Let's start with your first two questions. How many domains can one server support, and what is the maximum space that one site can occupy?
There's no fixed limit to either of these, apart from hard drive space to store the content and network and CPU speed to cope with all the traffic. There's no reason in principle why you can't host 1,000,000 sites on a server, although in practice you wouldn't have that many.
Folks can and do host thousands of low-traffic sites on one server. More popular sites, and sites that generate content on the fly by accessing databases and so on, will need a larger share of CPU. Sites carrying video and other large files will need a larger share of the network connection.
So how many sites will fit on one server? To answer the question we need to know how big each site's files are, how much network traffic each site consumes, and how much CPU each site requires. We also need to know how large the server's hard drive is, how fast its CPU is, and how fast its network connection is.
So let's assume that the web server features a 110GB hard drive, a single 2GHZ CPU, and a 1 megabit-per-second (T1) connection to the Internet.
Let's also assume that each site has 100MB of files, does not feature video or music, and features only static HTML pages and files.
The operating system will take up about 10GB of that 110GB hard drive. That leaves 100GB for web site files, so we have room for approximately 1,000 sites at 100MB each.
The sites feature static HTML pages and images, so we should be OK in the CPU and network department. But if sites are popular they can still use a lot of network bandwidth. So let's assume that each site receives 1,000 visits a month, and that each visit involves 1MB of data transfer. 1,000 x 1MB = 1GB of data transfer per month per site. We'll also assume that each visit to the site accesses the web server 20 times— once for each page and each image on each page, as well as CSS files, JavaScript files, Flash files and other files that make up our pages.
Our web server has one megabit of bandwidth, which works out to approximately 100K (100,000) bytes of data transfer per second (there are eight bits to a byte, and we must also assume a reasonable amount of overhead). 100K per second works out to roughly 260GB per month. Dividing 260GB by 1GB, we find we can only accommodate 260 sites.
In reality, things are worse than that— what matters most is that every site be responsive and usable even at peak times. Assuming that the peak traffic for a given site is twice as high and that each site peaks around the same time of day, we need twice as much bandwidth, so we can only accommodate 130 sites.
What about the CPU? With 130 sites making 1,000 visits apiece with 20 accesses per visit, the math works out to approximately one access per second (two accesses at peak times). Two accesses per second won't cause much trouble at all for our CPU. So our 130 sites still fit. But if these sites were different— if each accessinvolved complex database queries— then more CPU horsepower would be required per site. In some cases, it's best to have a single server per site.

Dedicated Servers

This brings us to your third question. A dedicated server is a server that hosts just one site, or in some cases just the sites of a single customer. When you sign up for a dedicated server with a web hosting company, you are paying for a server that hosts only your sites. This has two big advantages: reliability and security. You don't have to worry about sharing limited hard drive space and CPU resources with other people. And you don't have to worry about security bugs and design flaws that might allow other ISP customers to access your code and data— that is, as long as you keep your own dedicated server up to date with appropriate security patches and don't introduce security holes of your own.
Although a dedicated server provided by a web hosting company is an excellent option, it's important to remember that you are still sharing one important resource: the network connection. If other customers are big bandwidth hogs and the host doesn't keep on top fo this and add more connections or limit their traffic, then your web site can still suffer on a dedicated server.

Multiple Servers Per Site

The most popular sites, such as Google, YouTube and Yahoo, require many servers to implement just one site from the user's point of view.